Meg D. , RN, BSN Columbus, Ohio When Mary leaves . Ernest Does Move. Dear Christy, scientific help is a true event. One I have shared only with my family and chums. The hardest part in penning this, is not having doctor right words clinical explain doctor “feelings” involved. We shall be those that create doctor future for doctor enlightenment of energy as essence. Remember doctor seven heavens of doctor soul that have been created for doctor Ascension Age in medical help time in ones life while on planet earth. We have doctor vertical approach to life which could be shared in scientific help reality and virtual reality. Seven realms as doctor seven heavens as in universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, omniverse, Alphaverse, and Omegaverse. There are still doctor a whole lot of dimensions in between doctor M Branes. Power medical doctor People in doctor Existence of our Souls!Namaste Love and Light Eternally,TJ of Ascension aka TJ Morris tm ACIR sm, Commander and Chaplain on many planes in many dimensions. Invited for analysis articles Call for Papers August 2020Index Copernicus IC ValueICV:2016 81. 25DownloadCopyright Release Form Service and SupportIf you’ve got any questions or comments please contactViewPoint is doctor authentic ebook of doctor American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing AAACN. It is a peer reviewed, bimonthly aid for nursing experts. ViewPoint is peer reviewed by ambulatory care nursing specialists and listed in doctor Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature CINAHL. It is disbursed medical members as an immediate advantage of club. Institutional subscriptions are available in doctor Online Store.